Does your organisation have employees who drive for work? Is this activity included in your Safety Management System?
You need to consider the following “Top Ten” items when tackling the task of Driving for Work Risk Management.
- Policy: Your organisation has a comprehensive Safety,Health and Welfare at work Management (SHWW) policy,which includes clear objectivesand a commitment to improving Work Related Vehicle Safety. Clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of both employees and management.
- Risk Assessments: are carried out and reviewed on all organisation, management, and employee and contractor vehicle related risks in line with the requirements of the SHWW Policy.
- Legal Compliance: Your organisation complies fully with all relevant corporate and regulatory requirements for operating in Ireland.
- Leadership & Culture: Organisation structure allows for co-operation, communication and the cross flow of information about vehicle risk management across all areas of work. Senior managers take the lead by respecting the policy & leading by example.
- Mobility & Journey Management: Work schedules and travel requirements optimised to eliminate or minimise road risks and to encourage legal compliance. In dealing with clients, avoid making any concessions that might adversely affect road safety or driver behaviour, such as commitments to deliveries or completion of work tasks that set unrealistic time constraints.
- Driver Recruitment, Selection & Induction: Employees receive induction session on WRVS policy, equipment familiarisation, collision and fuel reporting, emergency procedures, vehicle checking/maintenanceand expected behaviour while at work
- Driver Supervision, Monitoring, Assessment & Improvement: System in place to maintain appropriate driver records, including copies of employment applications, medical/health information, reference and licence checks, training records and qualifications, collision history, and fuel efficiency.
- Employee Health & Well-being: An appropriate well-being program is in place for new and existing staff, covering health factors, stress, fatigue, drugs, alcohol, violence at work and lone working.
- Vehicle Selection, Management & Use: There should be a clear policy for vehicle; selection, allocation, maintenance, checks, defect reporting, collision reporting, and emergency response procedures.
- Specific Risks: Policies & procedures to manage specific risks: intoxicants, speed, distraction, fatigue, safety belt use, reversing, parking, load securing, breakdowns, travelling abroad, fraud and theft
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